Customized process support in Microsoft 365
Do you need to automate, digitizesdigitalize and streamline processes in your organizationisation? Then you are far from alone. But before before you bring in a consultingfirm who developr an app for you, take find out om it can dos with the platform you already have. Du may kommer to bli surprised. The Microsoft Power Platform is included in Microsoft 365 for Business and offers a wide range of supportfeatures for the processes in your businesssbusiness. With the help of the the platform's Power Apps and Power Automate you can build customized apps and automate businessflows.
You already have everything you need
Does your Microsoft 365 provider told you about the possibilities of the Power Platform?
Showed you how to build flows that make life easier for you and your employees by simplifying common processes?
And compared ROI of an externally developed process support with the ROI of creating it in Power Platform?
Many companies that sell their own system or build apps on other platforms are good at making make Power Apps and Power Automate seem more difficult than it is.
We try to be as open as possible with the possibilities of Power Platform and what is required to support a process. In this way we find together a balance between what the customer can do themselves and what they need help with.
There is a lot of money to be saved if you choose to use the Power Platform instead of going to theå across the river for water and ordering an external app. For example, if you want to digitize your company's contract management, you probably don't need to buy a contract management system. In this case, you might as well use Power Platform. In most cases, Microsoft 365 already contains all the information your business needs.
At the most basic level, your employees can do a lot with Power Apps and Power Automate on their own, using the platform's ready-made templates.
To complement them, WeSafe has built a template library in the Power Platform with apps your organization can benefit from without paying for development. In turn,our customers can search our customer portal, import an app that solves a business problem and customize it to their graphic profile.
But to create support for monitoring and administration of work processes often requires a little more technical expertise. If you need support for a customized process, the same applies. Dis because we also develop tailor-made apps for companies unwilling or unable to build them themselves.
Tailor-made solutions with the Power Platform
We take a look at some Power Platform solutions that WeSafe has specializedfor our customers.
Traffic contracts
This app allows you to register existing contracts in the transport sector. It also ensures that the company meets and complies with the requirements for contracts they have signed with different actors. Selection of processes we support:
- Follow-up
- Quality controls
- Requirement specifications
- Indexation calendar by agreement
- Environmental requirements management
The indexing calendar may need an explanation: the calendar allows, for example, to set up a series of checks per contract for 12 months.possible to set up a series of checks per contract, for example one check per month for 12 months.
Manages, for example, requirements on the age of buses, driver qualifications and climate requirements on emissions.
Registerr different types of equipment and tools used by employeesthe. Make it easy to book, check in and out equipment and keep track of when something to be serviced. That is, everything from phones and computers to company-owned cars.
Serves as a case management system for complaints. The appa hanater complaints that come in and initiate different processes depending on the type of complaint.
On/off boarding
Mainly used by HR, IT and managers to manageand monitora processesprocesses when an employee joins or leaves. This means everything from getting a computer and telephone, setting up accountn, preparing a workplace, arranging an introductory meeting and planning the first workingday.
Deviation reporting
Kategorizes and provides the possibility to extract reports on deviations in an activity, and ensures that deviations trigger certain actions. Such as Skånska Samskapa which runs LSS homes, HVB homes, support homes and works with family treatment and outpatient care.To manage deviations, Samskapa uses an app created by WeSafe. For example, if someone doesn't want to take their medication, a deviation is registered in the medication category, and a Lex Sarah report is generated if there are deficiencies in care. In the meantime, ideas forimprovements in a list that can then be discussed in a built-in comment forum.
We are happy to tell you more about how you can build apps and automate processes in the tool you already have - the Power Platform.
Read more about WeSafe Power Apps here!
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