WeSafe is named a Gazelle company 2021, the fourth year in a row!
Wow, Gazelle company 2021 means that we have been named a Gazelle company for the fourth year in a row. WeSafe has had strong growth and we can happily tell you that in these tough times, we have hired 12 new employees, and more are on the way. It is with great humility, much joy and pride that we receive the award as a Gazelle company for the fourth year in a row and continue to belong to Sweden's foremost growth companies.

We would like to start by saying a big thank you to our fantastic staff, without you this would never have been possible. It is you who make it possible for us to always be at the forefront of a fast-moving digital world. Together, we have created a culture where we always put our customers' best interests in focus, using technology to create value for our customers and their businesses.
We would also like to thank all our customers and partners who trust us to continue developing and delivering services in line with our vision - to simplify and streamline IT!
To be selected as a Gazelle, the company must meet all the criteria. In addition, an overall assessment of the company is made, taking into account additional parameters that demonstrate sound operations.
A Gazelle company has:
- A net turnover exceeding SEK 10 million, according to the latest annual report.
- At least 10 employees, according to the latest annual report.
- At least doubled its turnover, comparing the first and last financial year of the 4-year investigation period.
- Increased its turnover every year for the last three years.
- A positive overall operating result for the last four financial years.
- Essentially grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers.
- Sound finances.
Read more about Di Gasell here.