WeSafe presents to Microsoft partners around the world how to best deliver Microsoft 365

We at WeSafe are extremely happy and proud to have been chosen to present to all Microsoft partners around the world how to best deliver Microsoft 365. Martin Liljenberg, CTO at WeSafe has presented how Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps organizations to grow, drive profitability and at the same time reduce risks in these changing times. If you also want to take part of the information, you can watch the recording here.

It is with great pleasure and pride that we can also tell you that we are included in Microsoft's global resource catalog. A catalog for partners that guides Microsoft 365 Business Partners how to enable the digital journey and create new opportunities. The catalog includes successful real-world examples, practical guidance and checklists.

Do you also want us to help your company ensure efficiency and future competitiveness? Read more about our Microsoft 365 as a Service offer or contact us for more information.

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